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Education and Training

Consultation on a European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training.

SME Skilled Mobile European

The project will encourage young and older skilled workers to get work experience abroad to considerably increase their chances on the labour market.

Welcome to SME MASTER Plus

The European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) is a European instrument to foster transnational mobility in vocational education and training. It has been developed by Member States of the European Union in cooperation with the European Commission. In 2008, the European Commission issued a call for proposal to finance projects under the lifelong learning action programme whose aim was to test the implementation of the ECVET process. As a result, SME MASTER Plus and ten other European pilot projects were selected.

The SME Master Plus project was piloting the ECVET application within the framework of training for master craftsperson. The main goals were to support ‘Europeanisation’ of these CVET-qualifications and by enhancing transnational mobility of master craftsperson to also achieve a positive long-term effect on the mobility rate in IVET. Furthermore, the project aimed at implementing an international network of master craftsperson training providers. The partnership developed an ECVET-toolbox covering the main instruments and principles of the ECVET recommendation> including:

  • Learning outcome matrices for the master craftsperson qualifications in bakery, hairdressing, joinery / cabinetmaking and floristry.
  • templates for a Memorandum of Understanding, to implement institutional mobility-partnerships between competent institutions,
  • templates for Learning Agreement and Personal Transcript, for individual mobility projects,
  • checklists for each step of the mobility process.

The feasibility of these tools have been tested in real mobility exchanges and adjusted on the basis of the feedback gained by the sending and receiving organisations as well as the participants.

Partners involved in SME MASTER Plus mostly represent the interests and needs of the skilled craft sector in their respective countries. Most of them are competent and/or intermediary bodies and active members of the European platform Euro-Apprenticeship which aims at enhancing mobility in VET. They consider the establishment of transnational mobility programmes as an important part of the vocational education and training of apprentices and master craftsperson trainees in craft sectors.

Dobrodošli na SME MOJSTER Plus

Evropski kreditni sistem v poklicnem in strokovnem izobraževanju in usposabljanju (ECVET) je evropski instrument za okrepitev mednarodne mobilnosti v poklicnem in strokovnem izobraževanju in usposabljanju. Razvile so ga države članice v sodelovanju z Evropsko Komisijo. Leta 2008 je Evropska Komisija objavila razpis za zbiranje predlogov za financiranje projektov v okviru Programa vseživljenjskega učenja; cilj razpisa pa je bil preizkus izvajanja procesa ECVET. Izbrani so bili SME Mojster Plus in deset drugih evropskih pilotnih projektov.  

Cilj SME MOJSTER Plus projekta je poskusno izvajanje sistema ECVET v programih formalnega izobraževanja obrtnih mojstrov. Glavni cilji so podpreti »evropeizacijo« tega nadaljevalnega izobraževanja in s povečanjem mednarodne mobilnosti obrtnih mojstrov doseči tudi dolgoročni pozitivni učinek na delež mobilnosti v (začetnem) poklicnem izobraževanju. Poleg tega je bila tema projekta tudi uvajanje mednarodne mreže izvajalcev izobraževanja obrtnih mojstrov. Vzpostavljeno partnerstvo je razvilo ECVET orodja, ki pokrivajo ključne instrumente in načela ECVET priporočila, kot so:  

  • matrica učnih izidov za kvalifikacije obrtnih mojstrov peka, frizerja, mizarja in cvetličarji;
  • vzorec memoranduma o soglasju za izvajanje institucionalne partnerske mobilnosti med pristojnimi institucijami;
  • vzorec učnega dogovora in
  • opis osebnih dosežkov/izidov za projekte individualne mobilnosti;
  • seznam za preverjanje posameznih korakov procesa mobilnosti.  

V neposredni, realni izmenjavi v okviru mobilnosti, se je na podlagi povratnih informacij med institucijami pošiljateljicami in gostiteljicami ter med udeleženci mobilnosti, preizkusila in uskladila uporabnost in izvedljivost vseh naštetih instrumentov.  

Partnerji v projektu SME MASTER Plus večinoma predstavljajo interese in potrebe na področju obrti v svojih državah. Večina med njimi je pristojnih institucij in/ali posredniških institucij ter aktivnih članic Evropske platforme Euro Appreniceship, namenjene pospeševanju mobilnosti v poklicnem in strokovnem izobraževanju. Za omenjene institucije pomeni vzpostavitev programov mednarodne mobilnosti pomemben del poklicnega izobraževanja vajencev oz. dijakov in kandidatov za obrtne mojstre.  

Willkommen bei SME MASTER Plus

Das Europäische Leistungspunktesystem für die Berufsbildung (ECVET) ist ein Instrument zur Förderung der grenzüberschreitenden Mobilität in der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung. Die ECVET-Empfehlung wurde gemeinsam von den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union und der EU-Kommission konzipiert. Im Rahmen des Programms Lebenslanges Lernen stellte die EU-Kommission 2008 finanzielle Fördermittel für Projekte zur Verfügung, die ECVET in der Praxis testen sollen. Ausgewählt wurden elf europäische Pilotprojekte, darunter das Projekt SME MASTER Plus.

Mit dem SME MASTER Plus Projekt wurde versucht, die verschiedenen Elemente und Prinzipien von ECVET am Beispiel der Meisterqualifikation zu erproben. Hauptziel ist die Europäisierung dieser Weiterbildungsqualifikation durch die Förderung von Mobilitätsprojekten voranzutreiben. Auf diese Weise soll auch ein positiver Beitrag zur Erhöhung der Mobilitätsrate in der beruflichen Erstausbildung geleistet werden. Darüber hinaus soll ein internationales Netzwerk von Meisterschulen geschaffen werden. Im Rahmen des Projekts wurde ein sogenannter ECVET-Werkzeugkoffer entwickelt, der die Vorgaben der ECVET-Empfehlung um folgende praktische Umsetzungslösungen erweitert:

  • Lernergebnismatrizen für die Meisterschülerqualifikation in den Gewerken Bäcker, Friseur, Tischler und Florist.
  • Muster für Partnerschaftsvereinbarungen, um Mobilitätspartnerschaften auf institutioneller Ebene zu konstituieren.
  • Muster für Lernvereinbarungen und persönliche Leistungsnachweise für individuelle Mobilitätsprojekte.
  • Checkliste zu den verschiedenen organisatorischen Schritten eines Mobilitätsprozesses.  

Die o.g. „Werkzeuge“ wurden in der Praxis getestet und für grenzüberschreitende Mobilitätsprojekte eingesetzt. Nach Abschluss der Mobilitätsprojekte wurden die „Werkzeuge“, nach inhaltlicher Rückmeldung der Aufnahme- und Sendeorganisation, sowie des Teilnehmers, entsprechend optimiert.  

Die Partnerorganisationen, die in das SME Master Plus Projekt involviert sind, vertreten den handwerklichen Sektor und die für die Meisterprüfung zuständigen Stellen ihres Landes. Ferner sind die Partner mehrheitlich Mitglieder der europäischen Plattform Euro-Apprenticeship, die die berufliche Mobilität während der Ausbildung in Europa steigern möchte.

Bienvenue sur SME MASTER PLUS

Le système européen de crédits d'apprentissage pour la formation et l'enseignement professionnels (ECVET), est un instrument européen conçu pour favoriser la mobilité transnationale dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle. Il a été développé par les États membres de l’Union Européenne en coopération avec la Commission européenne. En 2008, la Commission européenne a lancé un appel à propositions afin de financer des projets dans le cadre du Programme pour l'éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie dont le but était de tester la mise en œuvre du processus  ECVET. Au final, SME MASTER Plus et dix autres projets pilotes européens ont été sélectionnés.

Le projet SME Master Plus visait à tester ECVET dans le cadre de la formation au brevet de maîtrise. Les objectifs principaux étaient de renforcer « l’Européanisation » des qualifications de type formation continue et, en augmentant la mobilité transnationale des titulaires d’un brevet de maîtrise, de créer à plus long terme un effet positif sur le taux de mobilité en formation initiale. De plus, le projet visait la mise en place d’un réseau international des organisations offrant une formation de type brevet de maîtrise. Les partenaires du projet ont développé une boite à outils ECVET couvrant les principaux instruments et principes de la recommandation ECVET comprenant :

  • des matrices de résultats d’apprentissage correspondant aux qualifications du brevet de maîtrise en boulangerie, coiffure, menuiserie et fleuristerie,
  • des modèles de protocoles d’accord, pour mettre en œuvre des partenariats institutionnels pour la mobilité entre institutions compétentes,
  • des modèles de contrat pédagogique et de relevés individuels de résultats, pour les projets de mobilité au niveau individuel,
  • une checklist comprenant chaque étape du processus de mobilité.

La faisabilité de ces outils a été testée lors d’échanges de mobilité réels et ceux-ci ont été ajustés en fonction du feedback de la part des organisations d’envoi et d’accueil et des participants.

Les partenaires impliqués dans le SME MASTER Plus représentent essentiellement les intérêts et les besoins du secteur des métiers et de l’artisanat dans leurs pays respectifs. La plupart d’entre eux sont des autorités compétentes et/ou intermédiaires et des membres actifs de la plateforme européenne Euroapprentissage qui a pour objectif de développer la mobilité dans la formation professionnelle. Ils considèrent la mise en place des programmes de mobilité transnationale comme une composante importante de la formation professionnelle des apprentis et des futurs titulaires d’un brevet de maîtrise dans les secteurs de l’artisanat.

Velkommen til SME MASTER Plus

The European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) er et europeisk tiltak for å støtte transnasjonal mobilitet innenfor fag- og yrkesopplæring. Det er utviklet av medlemslandene i EU i samarbeid med EU-Kommisjonen. I 2008 utlyste EU-Kommisjonen midler med tanke på å finansiere tverrnasjonale prosjekter for å teste iverksettelsen av ECVET-prosessen. Som et resultat av dette ble SME MASTER Plus og ti andre europeiske prosjekter tildelt midler.

SME Master Plus retter seg mot hvordan ECVET-prinsippene kan anvendes med tanke på kompetanseutvikling fram mot Mesterbrev. Hovedintensjonen er å støtte en "europeisering" av yrkeskvalifikasjoner innenfor Mesterbrev. En videreutvikling av transnasjonal mobilitet på dette nivået ansees også å ha en positiv effekt på mobilitetsaktiviteter innenfor grunnleggende fag- og yrkesopplæring. I tillegg er det et mål å etablere et internasjonalt nettverk av tilbydere av mesterutdanninger. Partnerskapet har utviklet en verktøykasse for ECVET som inneholder de viktigste elementene for å ta i bruk anbefalte prinsipper for kompetanseutvikling og dokumentert gjennom beskrivelser av læringsutbytte.

Verktøykassen inneholder blant annet:  

  • Europeiske læringsutbyttematriser for Mesterbrev eksemplifisert med baker, frisør, møbelsnekker og blomsterdekoratør
  • Maler for samarbeidsavtaler (MoU) mellom de ansvarlige organisasjonene for å sikre gjensidig forståelse av ansvar og roller ved planlegging av utvekslingsordninger 
  • Maler for opplæringsavtaler og dokumentasjon av oppnådde læringsutbytter i internasjonale utvekslingsprosjekter,
  • sammen med sjekklister for kvalitetssikring av mobilitetsprosessen

Verktøysettet har vært til utprøving i reelle utvekslingssituasjoner og er justert etter tilbakemeldinger fra deltakerne og fra involverte sender- og mottakerorganisasjoner.

Partnerne i SME MASTER Plus representerer håndverksfagene i sine respektive land. De fleste er institusjoner med nasjonalt ansvar for Mesterbrev og/eller organisasjoner som er engasjert i utvekslingsordninger. Disse er også medlemmer av det europeiske nettverket Euro-Apprenticeship som sikter mot en styrking av utvekslingsarbeid innenfor fag- og yrkesopplæring. Etablering og videreutvikling av transnasjonale mobilitetsprogrammer vurderes som en viktig del av kvalifiseringsløpet for lærlinger og for fagarbeidere og svenner som sikter mot et Mesterbrev.

Welcome to SME MASTER Plus

The European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) is a European instrument to foster transnational mobility in vocational education and training. It has been developed by Member States of the European Union in cooperation with the European Commission. In 2008, the European Commission issued a call for proposal to finance projects under the lifelong learning action programme whose aim was to test the implementation of the ECVET process. As a result, SME MASTER Plus and ten other European pilot projects were selected.

The SME Master Plus project was piloting the ECVET application within the framework of training for master craftsperson. The main goals were to support ‘Europeanisation’ of these CVET-qualifications and by enhancing transnational mobility of master craftsperson to also achieve a positive long-term effect on the mobility rate in IVET. Furthermore, the project aimed at implementing an international network of master craftsperson training providers. The partnership developed an ECVET-toolbox covering the main instruments and principles of the ECVET recommendation including:

  • Learning outcome matrices for the master craftsperson qualifications in bakery, hairdressing, joinery / cabinetmaking and floristry.
  • templates for a Memorandum of Understanding, to implement institutional mobility-partnerships between competent institutions,
  • templates for Learning Agreement and Personal Transcript, for individual mobility projects,
  • checklists for each step of the mobility process.

The feasibility of these tools have been tested in real mobility exchanges and adjusted on the basis of the feedback gained by the sending and receiving organisations as well as the participants.

Partners involved in SME MASTER Plus mostly represent the interests and needs of the skilled craft sector in their respective countries. Most of them are competent and/or intermediary bodies and active members of the European platform Euro-Apprenticeship which aims at enhancing mobility in VET. They consider the establishment of transnational mobility programmes as an important part of the vocational education and training of apprentices and master craftsperson trainees in craft sectors.

The European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) is a European instrument to foster mobility in vocational education and training. It has been developed by Member States in cooperation with the European Commission. In 2008, the European Commission issued a call for proposal to finance projects under the lifelong learning action programme whose aim was to test the implementation of the ECVET process. As a result, SME MASTER Plus and nine other pilot projects were selected.

SME MASTER Plus is targeting on implementing ECVET in the formal training programmes of Master Craftsperson. The enhancement of transnational mobility in Master Craftsperson training will be realized on the basis of sustainable international partnerships.

Partners involved in SME MASTER Plus mostly represent the interests and needs of the skilled craft sector in their respective countries. Most of them are competent and/or intermediary bodies and active members of the European platform , which aims at enhancing mobility in VET. They consider the establishment of transnational mobility programmes as an important part of the vocational education and training of apprentices and Master craftsperson trainees in craft sectors.

SME MASTER Plus builds on the outcomes of a previous project, the SME MASTER project, which was focused on the qualification of the master baker. The result of this project was a grid of units of learning outcomes for this qualification. However, SME MASTER did not result in either the allocation of ECVET points to units or a model of partnership agreement. SME MASTER Plus will therefore try to focus on these aspects while transferring the methodology used for SME MASTER to other crafts sectors, such as floristry, hairdressing and woodworking.

SME MASTER Plus will be undertaken in two stages:

The first stage will focus on the implementation of ECVET principles such as formulation of learning outcomes, design of units, templates for the memorandum of understanding and the learning agreement for the Master Baker education. Partners will also reflect upon the requirements for assessment, validation and recognition of units in the context of transnational mobility.

The second stage will concern the methodology-transfer to the three other sectors mentioned above. The different tools will be tested through concrete mobility experiences.


Fahne der Euopäischen UnionThis document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of ZDH can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.